
HSK 688

lunes, noviembre 5

"Remember the phases those unhappy spaces that tore my heart... You healed everything"
Falling Anthem by Bad Boy Bill
Outfit: ::::Maldita::: Nice Day Outfit (Box) - November GIFT FREE!!
(Limited Time / Tiempo Limitado)

*- Itza Deezul -*

HSK 687

They get'you climbin' the walls, They get'you caught in their spell, They get'you speakin' in tongues. Could this be Heaven or Hell To fall in love twice a day? Is such a sweet price to pay...
Girls of Summer by Aerosmith
Girl on the Letft (Itza)
Blouse: =Zenith=summer shirt Boxed (Lucky Letter Gift) FREE!!! FREE!!!

Girl on the Right (Zzu)
Blouse: =Zenith=Offshoulder Top Boxed (Lucky Letter Gift) FREE!!! FREE!!!



HSK 523

lunes, julio 16

"Una mujer sería encantadora si uno pudiera caer en sus brazos sin caer en sus manos"
Ambrose Bierce
Shirt: ::::Maldita:::: I want Malditas Male Shirt NEW MM - FREE!!

*- Itza Deezul -*

HSK 522

"El mayor crimen está ahora, no en los que matan, sino en los que no matan pero dejan matar"
José Ortega y Gasset
Outfit: ::::Maldita:::: Police Officer Costume (Box) NEW!! NEW!! (Not Free: 80L)
(With: Dress, Belt, Hat, & Boots!!) / (Con: vestido, cinto, gorra, y botas!!)
Skin: .:: JStyLe Store ::. *SKIN SUSI PALE* GROUP GIFT FREE!!

Outfit: ::::Maldita:::: Prisoner Costume NEW!! NEW!! (Not Free: 80L)

*- Itza Deezul -*


viernes, junio 22

Hair: ::Exile:: Catwalk: Naturals
Shirt:. :villena:. - layered vest #4
Pants: [NV] Tulip Baggy-White
 Shoes: Maitreya Gold * Flip-Flops Cherry

You are My Light...

martes, junio 19

You are My Light...

Hair: [e] Return - Essentials Collection
Shirt: L`Exception- Summer Mini- Med Vintage Wash
Shoes: Maitreya Gold * Flip-Flops Cherry


domingo, junio 3

Hair: !lamb. Ruby (Mesh) - Carrot Cakes Pack
Glasses: [ glow ] studio - No lences Reybey
Shirt: [NV] Venice Cropped Zombie Coffee
Short: {mon tissu} Shorts - Greta - Dark
Boots: *Kookie* Armarda/ Black Wash

So ª.ª simple___

miércoles, mayo 30

So ª.ª simple______^^

Hair: /Wasabi Pills/ Lola summer Mesh Hair
Tatto: SOURIRES - Sophie
Dress: [Iren] Summer Dress-World/mesh- ((The Grunge Soul Project))
 Shoes: Slink Shaz Platforms Teal

[DuLcE] & ***YDS***

miércoles, mayo 16

"...El amor es una cosa que se da de pronto en forma natural, lleno de fuego; si lo forzas se marchita y sin tener principio llega a su final..."
Sin Bandera
Zzu´s Lingerie: [DuLcE] Delicate Undys - Green Hump Day Dollarbie (1L)
Zzu´s Patys: [DuLcE] Loose Pantys NEW!!! NEW!!! (Not Free: 100L)
(Includes 9 colors)
Zzu´s Skin & Shape: Issa Skin GROUP GIFT**Yoa Divine Spell** FREE!!! FREE!!!
(Includes: Shape, 10 skins <5 Clear and 5 Medium> )
Darryl´s Skin & Shape:  Jorge Skin GROUP GIFT**Yoa Divine Spell** FREE!!! FREE!!!
(Includes: Shape, 9 skins <4 Clear and 5 Medium with beard> and 1Tattoo Torso)

TP to ***YDS***

Estos regalos son para el Grupo  Vip **Y.D.S** 
(La entrada tiene un cosot de 150L, pero les aseguro que los vale <Regalos cada mes>)
(Admission is cosot of 150L, but work it <gifts each month>)


↕Ř℮m℮mß℮r <ℳ℮

martes, mayo 8

↕Ř℮m℮mß℮r <ℳ℮

Hair: Magika- Flourish
Tattoo: [Sleepy Bozer] Countless Colors
Shirt: [NV] Sweater *RAVE* -Black-
Jeans: not so bad . mesh . MUNGO jeans . faded



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Margarita Oskar
Liv McKeenan

Dulcecielo Resident
kev Brunswick
Sharon Hammand
Gio and Zzu

elementos de ..**[H]uGgIeS [V]iP**.. Más en el mural de ..**[H]uGgIeS [V]iP**..